Youghiogheny Country Club Pool
The Yough's heated swim facility opened in July of 2003 to rave reviews. It employs state of the art technology, a Snack Bar, and Men's and Women's changing facilities. Join the family and lounge by the pool after a round of golf. The pool is also staffed with fully certified lifeguards.
Full service menu dining is avaliable on the upper deck.
The YCC Pool and Snack Bar are open daily 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm, weekdays and noon to 8pm weekends, weather permitting from Memorial Day through Labor Day. ( If rain is in the forecast or there previously was rain early that day, please call the Club first to make sure the pool is open before making the trip over. Call the Administrative Office at 412.751.2943 x1108) and look at Clubster. Early and late in the season, hours will change depending on lifeguard availability. Watch Clubster for changing hours. No outside food or beverage of any type are permitted on the pool grounds since we do have a snack bar. It is mandatory that you sign in each day you use the pool area upon arrival and sign in the number of guests.